dijous, 10 de febrer del 2011

Listen and repeat

Photo by Alex Morrice.

This is my first post in English. First of all, I am sorry because all the mistakes I will made. I am just practicing. I am trying to refresh the grammar that I learnt many years ago, but it is so difficult when Italian has absorbed my brain. I had got my best English on summer of 99 when I spent one month in UK after years studying it, now I have forgotten almost all I once learnt.
That summer we made a trip to the photo´s place, and the "mister of travelling stars" is there right now. I would like to post here a photo of me in that city, but there is not any photo of that moment, what a pity (come il Palazzo!)! However I would like to wish him a great time there, now and in the future! ;)

I will be so glad if someone would check my English, such as a hard teacher! Thank you!

5 comentaris:

mister of sweet parquet ha dit...

That's great! For me it's good! I'm too learning!
I understand almost everything! I'm happy :D. But I'm beggining now!


Raquel* ha dit...

Hey Mister!
It is a practice for both...
I write and you read ;)

mister of sweet parquet ha dit...

No! We are alone in the net?

Raquel* ha dit...

I am sure we are not, but they are so shy ;)

Andrew Nicoll ha dit...

Here is a test of your English!
I came to your blog to see what you said about my book, The Good Mayor. I hope you liked it! But imagine how surprised I was to see a picture of Edinburgh castle. I work close by and I see the castle every day.
Best wishes
Andrew Nicoll